

Our work has been featured in leading publications around the world. Click the links below to discover our original research, opinion pieces, media interviews, podcasts, and other content.

Fake nudes and real threats: How online abuse holds back women in politics

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Biden’s VP should be prepared for an onslaught of online misogyny unlike anything seen before

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High-profile women want action to stop online abuse

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Female 2020 candidates attacked online more than men: analysis

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„Häufig Drohungen mit sexueller Gewalt“: Das Problem Frauenhass im Internet

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How social media is failing women in Tunisia

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From likes to violence: How Big Tech is helping fuel extremism


Meta, Google and YouTube ‘profiting’ off posts for bogus women’s health cures in Kenya

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Bloomberg UK politics: Stormont's big brake


‘Gender trolling’ is curbing women’s rights – and making money for digital platforms

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Disinformation campaigns against women are a national security threat, new study finds

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Across globe, women battle 'gendered disinformation'

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Disinformation proves an effective weapon in misogynistic spaces

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Turn the mic around – Lucina Di Meco


Áruló, ostoba vagy külföldi ügynök - így támadják a közéletben aktív nőket magyarországon


Desinformation gegen Frauen: Alarmsignal für die Demokratie

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The week in patriarchy

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#EmbraceEquity – Five recommended reads on women in media

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New research shows how politically motivated digital mobs in India prevent gender equality

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L'odio online contro le donne va di pari passo con gli attacchi ai diritti

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Cómo la «desinformación de género» desata violencia política contra mujeres

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Vrouwenhaters en gendertrollen zijn big business

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Mulheres pagam preço terrível na política ao sofrer abusos

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#Shepersisted: Misoginia e odio social

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Mujeres que se dedican a la política son blanco de ciberacoso

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Estudio en 5 países reveló que mujeres que se dedican a la política son el blanco más recurrente al acoso online

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Neue Studie zeigt: „Gender-Trolling“ schränkt Frauenrechte ein

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Gendered misinformation is threatening women's rights and democratic institutions


How to protect yourself from online violence

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Uno studio internazionale sulla disinformazione di genere


Désinformation genrée : pourquoi les femmes sont-elles victimes de haine en ligne

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Disinformazione e donne in politica: tra odio e pregiudizi. Lo studio con l’Università LUISS

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12 books and a report show that empowering women is climate action

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International Women's Day: We must fight online misogyny


Download in progress: Addressing the gender dimensions of cyber security

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Sesso è potere, monetizing misogyny: Le donne in politica, in Italia e nel mondo

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‘Plataformas lucram com desinformação de gênero’, diz pesquisadora americana

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Ataques digitais a mulheres na política afetam democracia como um todo, diz pesquisadora

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La disinformazione che assilla le donne

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L'odio in rete fattura miliardi soprattutto contro le donne

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Hungary’s ‘perfect propaganda machine’ attacks women, report finds

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Così le donne in politica vengono screditate online

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Women activists lead the struggle against online gender-based violence worldwide

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Fighting for democracy and against disinformation with Kristina Wilfore


The Looking Glass podcast: Gendered disinformation


Think & Resist podcast: What about women, peace, and digital (in)security?


Rebrand this, Mr. Z: How social media has weaponized disinformation against democracies


Social media, politics, and gendered disinformation


Elles n’en peuvent plus

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Fighting gendered disinformation online


Female 2020 democratic presidential candidates face a 'gender penalty' online, study finds

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Authoritarianism and gendered disinformation


Desinformación, género y democracia

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Study: Female reporters more credible on COVID-19

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A congressman’s insult highlights the misogyny women in the climate movement face

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The women, peace and security update

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A nova cláusula de barreira

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False tales of powerful women

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U.S., international lawmakers push facebook to stop online hate targeting women

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Disinformation, potent weapon against powerful women


Keeping score: 2019 election milestones and new research on women, power, politics and tech


For women in politics, social media is a double-edged sword


Women’s political networks


How does Twitter treat women?

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What anti-democratic forces understand about democracies that philanthropies and think tanks do not


Interview with Lucina Di Meco. About the cyberbullying practices against high profile public women


Missing from the conversations about tech and elections? Women.


“The first woman in this office, but not the last”: Four ways to empower a new generation of women political leaders


When women Are silenced online, democracy suffers

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Supporting and amplifying female voices


The Technology 202: Kamala Harris is already facing online attacks in her bid for the vice presidency

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Social media is a powerful platform for women in politics — and their harassers

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Women political leaders and media bias


Gendered disinformation campaigns, an attack on democracy

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Gazette mansplains suffrage in 1920, and too little has changed

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The X Factor: How Joe Biden's running mate will face sexist double-standards

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Mujeres en el mundo digital

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Paul Gosar’s anime video of killing AOC is not a joke. It displays the new GOP’s violent extremist turn

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Hate speech online, sempre di più le donne vittime di aggressioni sessiste


Study: Social media a double-edged sword for female politicians

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Gender-based online abuse surged during the pandemic. Laws haven’t kept up, activists say.


From fake nudes to rape threats: how gendered disinformation is deployed to push women out of politics


Women still face hurdles in running for office

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#TruthSeeker Fest: Big tech & their role In fighting fake news


From Merkel to Baerbock: Female politicians still face sexism in Germany

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Centering gendered disinformation at the summit for democracy


Advocates have a message for social media platforms: Protect women

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Running while female: Using AI to track how Twitter commentary disadvantages women in the 2020 U.S. primaries




Voices of resilience: LIVE panel discussion on women, media and politics


Poteri digitali

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What is gendered disinformation?

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Gendered disinformation and what can be done to counter it

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A Race to the Bottom: Populism, Mis/Disinformation and South Africa’s 2021 Election


Women secretaries of state face threats and harassment for battling election lies

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Cyberprzemoc ma płeć

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